Hello. I have a question that needs to be answered.
So I was making a game.
I have a startergui with a frame and a textbox at the top of the screen. Inside of the textbox I have a script.
After that, I put a StringValue in ServerStorage.
In the script in the textbox, I put this:
1 | while true do |
2 | script.Parent.Text = game.ServerStorage.StringValue.Value |
3 | wait() |
4 | end |
When u try to play the game, the loading bar thing goes to 50%, then stops and ROBLOX Studio freezes.
BTW: I have a main script in workspace that is changing the value of StringValue but that isn't the problem.
Any true loop without a wait will crash the server. Try doing while wait() do instead of while true do.
First of all, all GUI objects should be used with a LocalScript. LocalScripts can't access ServerStorage in an online game either. Please move your StringValue to ReplicatedStorage.
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Your issue is caused by another script. Press Ctrl+Shift+F in Studio, and search for all scripts with "while true do". Make sure they all have a wait() inside of them.