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Script Cannot read value from a string value?

Asked by
jman116 10
9 years ago

I am making a tycoon, the owner's name is stored in a string value. My script keeps telling me this:

17:26:30.336 - Unable to cast value to Object 17:26:30.336 - Script 'Workspace.Computer.Tycoon.BNScript', Line 5 17:26:30.336 - Stack End

and my code is this:

1Tycoon = script.Parent
2Reference = Tycoon["Code a simple bot net: 20 monies"]
3Reference.Parent = nil
4Pllayer = Tycoon.Parent.Player
5player = Game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Pllayer.Value)

Please tell me what is wrong and, how to fix it.

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Answered by
wackem 50
9 years ago

Check your parent tree again "Tycoon.Parent"? Shouldn't Tycoon be the master parent?

Ok, Tycoon's parent is computer, and computer has the value in it jman116 10 — 9y

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