I was looking on the Wiki and I seen that you can only require a module once??
But.. then while I was looking at Usering's admin commands, I noticed that he could require() more then once..
local scripts = require(207311282) local scale = require(210061734) local preferences = require(script.Parent.Preferences) local admins = require(script.Parent.Admins) local banned = require(script.Parent.Banned) local targetAllowance = require(script.Parent.TargetAllowance)
Are you able to require more then once ->"Yes" or "True"; or can you only require once "No" or "False".. I know this is a silly question, but I want a direct answer NOT from the script.. I want a true or false answer from a nother ROBLOX user.
Yes, you can require a single module more than once in the same script..