This is what some guy helped me with, but it doesnt seem to work! I want to have it like: A guy is on the Bright red team, and as soon as I team him to Bright blue, the GUI needs to be gone!
for i, v in pairs (game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.TeamColor == "Bright blue" then -- If the player is in the Bright blue team for i, obj in pairs (v:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):GetChildren()) do if obj:IsA("ScreenGui") then -- Just in case obj:Destroy() end end end end
This should work i commented what i changed
for i, v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do --Get the Children instead if v.TeamColor == then -- BrickColor Codes work better sometimes 23 is Bright blue for i, obj in pairs (v:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):GetChildren()) do if obj:IsA("ScreenGui") then obj:remove() --remove instead of destroy because logic end end end end
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