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Putting in a hint that displays who clicked a textbutton?

Asked by
unmiss 337 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I currently have this. I tried using Game.Players.LocalPlayer with a local script but got the same error, tried to concatenate the variable. I don't know.

local justice1 = game.Workspace.justice.SurfaceGui.Text
local justice2 = game.Workspace.justice2.SurfaceGui.Text
local justice3 = game.Workspace.justice3.SurfaceGui.Text

local plaintiff1 = game.Workspace.hobruh.plaintiff.SurfaceGui.Text
local plaintiff2 = game.Workspace.hobruh.plaintiff2.SurfaceGui.Text
local plaintiff3 = game.Workspace.hobruh.plaintiff3.SurfaceGui.Text

local defendant1 = game.Workspace.hobruh.defender.SurfaceGui.Text
local defendant2 =  game.Workspace.hobruh.defender2.SurfaceGui.Text
local defendant3 =  game.Workspace.hobruh.defender3.SurfaceGui.Text

local name = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent

local justice = script.Parent.Parent.Justice
local plaintiff = script.Parent.Parent.Prosecutor
local defendant = script.Parent.Parent.Defender

function SubmitDetails()
    justice1.Text = justice.Text
    justice2.Text = justice.Text
    justice3.Text = justice.Text

    plaintiff1.Text = plaintiff.Text
    plaintiff2.Text = plaintiff.Text
    plaintiff3.Text = plaintiff.Text

    defendant1.Text = defendant.Text
    defendant2.Text = defendant.Text
    defendant3.Text = defendant.Text

    local hint ='Hint', game.Workspace)
    hint.text = name.."has just edited the case details"


-- hierarchy
-- - game
-- -- Teams
-- --- (team)
-- ---- MenuGuis
-- ----- Frame
-- ------ CourtBase
-- ------- Submit
-- -------- SubmitDetails (Script)
Note that the code for the hint is on lines 13, 32, and 33. unmiss 337 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by
ImageLabel 1541 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

There's not much explanation needed here. I assume you are working with LocalScripts, which is the logical thing to do when working with GuiObjects of anykind. If yes, the player that clicks the TextButton is the LocalPlayer, because it's the only player the local script is running for.

local player = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
print(player:GetFullName()) --> Players.PlayerName

After getting the player, all you would have to do is refer to the variable later on in the script. For instance, in your code, you would do something like this.

local player = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer

function SubmitDetails()
    justice1.Text = justice.Text
    justice2.Text = justice.Text
    justice3.Text = justice.Text

    plaintiff1.Text = plaintiff.Text
    plaintiff2.Text = plaintiff.Text
    plaintiff3.Text = plaintiff.Text

    defendant1.Text = defendant.Text
    defendant2.Text = defendant.Text
    defendant3.Text = defendant.Text

    local hint ='Hint', game.Workspace)
    hint.text = player.Name.."has just edited the case details" 

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