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How can I involve two Players in the Same Animation?

Asked by 9 years ago

I want to involve Two Separate players in an Animation so I can make Animations that involve actions between two Users occurring at once kind of like the Celebrations at the HHCL Game. Do I create two Separate Animations them put them together in a script? Or is there a way I can build both Animation Actions at the same time between two meshes?

Could you post the script? ITSolarWinds 25 — 9y
I'm only at the beginning process in which I am making an Animation, I don't know how to script at the moment. FireMcMahon 0 — 9y
But if It involves scripting, I do wish to know exactly how to involve two people in one animation. FireMcMahon 0 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

You can't from what I know, but if you would want to do a two person animation a way I can think of currently is teleporting two players to their positions at the start of the animation. Then play the animation on one player, and the other on the other. There is a drawback that sometimes animations lag and they might not be in sync.

Yes but I need it to function with two players at the same time, with only one player clicking a key like the celebrations in hhcl. FireMcMahon 0 — 9y

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