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Please help me on this DP script?

Asked by 9 years ago

So I currently have this script to give cash when you buy one of my Developer Products from my shop.

local rep = game.ReplicatedStorage
local PurchaseHistory = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PurchaseHistory")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
--Looks cleaner this way, huh?
local passes = {
    AddHealthID = 23781490 ,
    AddSpeedID = 23781477,
    CashID = 23781403,
    CashID2 = 23781461,
        AddGear = {

MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo) 
    local playerProductKey = receiptInfo.PlayerId .. ":" .. receiptInfo.PurchaseId
    if PurchaseHistory:GetAsync(playerProductKey) then
        return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted
    for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
        if player.userId == receiptInfo.PlayerId then
            local hum = player.Character:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
            local bp = player.Backpack
            local sg = player.StarterGear
            if receiptInfo.ProductId == passes.AddHealthID then
                hum.MaxHealth = hum.MaxHealth + 50
                hum.Health = hum.MaxHealth
            elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == passes.AddSpeedID then
                hum.WalkSpeed = hum.WalkSpeed + 15
            --Gear 1
            elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == passes.AddGear[1] then
                local tool = rep.GravityCoil
                tool:Clone().Parent = bp
                tool:Clone().Parent = sg
            --Gear 2
            elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == passes.AddGear[2] then
                local tool = rep.LockonLauncher
                tool:Clone().Parent = bp
                tool:Clone().Parent = sg
            --Gear 3
            elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == passes.AddGear[3] then
                local tool = rep.JetPack
                tool:Clone().Parent = bp
                tool:Clone().Parent = sg
            --Gear 4
            elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == passes.AddGear[4] then
                local tool = rep.EpicLaser
                tool:Clone().Parent = bp
                tool:Clone().Parent = sg
            elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == passes.CashID then
                local stat = player.leaderstats.Cash
                stat.Value = stat.Value + 10000
             elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == passes.CashID2 then
                local stat = player.leaderstats.Cash
                stat.Value = stat.Value + 20000
    PurchaseHistory:SetAsync(playerProductKey, true)    
    return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted 

I used this script to give money to players with a certain GamePass and it works completely fine with the money actually being real and usable so maybe I could merge it, but I don't know how.

gps = game:GetService("GamePassService");
id = script:WaitForChild("GamePassID");

    if gps:PlayerHasPass(Player , id.Value) then
        if stats~=nil then
            currency = stats:WaitForChild(Player.Name)
            if currency~=nil then
                currency.Value = currency.Value+bonus.Value

The script above has things in it named AdminCash, Currency, and GamePassID. AdminCash which is the amount of money you want to add. Currency is ya know the Currency and the GamePassID is the ID of the GamePass

This changes the number on the leader board but it is just Ghost Money meaning that it is just for show it isn't actually real. This is most likely because the Money Storage is in the ServerStorage to keep it safe. Please help edit that script to make it work with the MoneyStorage being in ServerStorage. Thanks!

2 answers

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Answered by
Teeter11 281 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Putting the money into ServerStorage would be okay. But you cannot read the money from the players client. AKA (LocalScripts) so you would have to make a different location for the money even though you are trying to keep it safe. Or you can use RemoteEvents and RemoveFunctions, to read the money.

The wiki states "Similar to BindableEvents, but allow crossing the client/server boundary. This allows a Server Script to call code in a Local Script and vice versa. This can be useful when using features such as FilteringEnabled.

If the result of the call is needed then use a RemoteFunction. Otherwise a RemoteEvent is recommended as it will minimize network traffic and latency. "

This doesnt tell me the problem nor a very good solution... TixyScripter 115 — 9y
It does tell you the problem... in the first paragraph... Teeter11 281 — 9y
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Answered by
ImageLabel 1541 Moderation Voter
9 years ago
  1. WaitForDataReady is not necessary when working with data stores. It was meant to be used with DataPersistence and is pretty much useless in this context.

  2. You can't fetch/get/read anything in ServerStorage from the client, because as seen in the name itself, it is meant to be a storage for the server. The only way to communicate and relay information between client-server would be by use of RemoteObjects (RemoteEvents and/or RemoteFunctions)

If you want to keep MoneyStorage in ServerStorage, you wuld definitely have to consider using remotes.

A tutorial on the use of RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions can be found here.

Alternatively, you could always parent MoneyStorage to ReplicatedStorage and save yourself the hassle of working with remotes. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it because it's always good to get used to working with FilteringEnabled and knowing how to use remotes will be very crucial to keeping everything balanced.

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