How I remove a player permenantly on studio? (A script) I tried many methods.
You just need to get the player somehow. or you can use the method getplayerfromcharacter and then kick the player.
Pretty simple actually.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer player:Kick()
I will not make the script, you must do it yourself. Now I will give you hints on how to make one.
The event is a member of the Players service. It fires once a person joins the game.
game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) print(player.Name.." has joined the game!") end)
Fun Facts about PlayerAdded 1. It's has a counterpart, PlayerRemoving. It's not PlayerLeaving! 2. PlayerAdded cannot be fired in a local script!
The kick functions kicks the player. It has a secret parameter where you can add text. The text shows up when the player gets kicked.
game:GetService("Players").Player1:Kick("You have been kicked from my game!")
instead of Kick!DataStores is a way to save data. Same with DataPersistence. DataStores works within a game's universe. DataPersistence only saves within a place.
--DataStores local name = "Test" local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore(name)
game:GetService("Players").Player:SaveBool(true, "Test")
local ban = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Ban") local text = "You are banned." bannedlist = {"Player1"} game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(plyr) if ban:GetAsync("user_"..plyr.userId) ~= nil then if ban:GetAsync("user_"..plyr.userId) == true then plyr:Kick(text) end else for _,n in pairs(bannedlist) do if n == plyr.Name then ban:SetAsync("user_"..plyr.userId, true) plyr:Kick(text) end end end end)
Watch out! This