--"Getting Ready To Play..." should come up if there is more than 1 player, correct? What am I doing wrong? local timertext = game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.StatusTitle.Text
while true do wait()
if game.Player.NumPlayers <= 1 then timertext = "Waiting For More Players..." else timertext = "Getting Ready To Play..." end
Instead of changing startergui's gui, which no one sees, change the gui in the PLAYER!
function check() if game:GetService("Players").NumPlayers >= 1 then for _,p in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local timertext = p:FindFirstChild("StatusTitle", true) if timertext then timertext.Text = "Getting Ready To Play..." end end end end check() --Do it like this because while loops will change text forever since it is an infinite loop.
I cannot give you the full script! Sorry, anyway! Hope it helps!