I honestly have no idea what im doing wrong here, but some things to know are *this is a LocalScript inside a tool and inside StarterPack
there is no output it just does nothing..
function onEquip(mouse) wait() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Armors = game.ReplicatedStorage.Armors local tool = script.Parent for i,s in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do if s:IsA("CharacterMesh") then s:Destroy() end for i,v in pairs(Armors.Newbie:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("CharacterMesh") then v:Clone().Parent = player.Character end end end end script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquip)
Simple, the 2nd in pairs loop is incorrectly placed. You placed it inside the first for loop, so every time the first for loop loops, the second for loop loops and clones the character meshes into the character. Basically you'll end up with multiple copies of the same character mesh in the character. To fix it, simply move the for loop outside the first one, like this:
for i,s in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do if s:IsA("CharacterMesh") then s:Destroy() end end for i,v in pairs(Armors.Newbie:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("CharacterMesh") then v:Clone().Parent = player.Character end end
Hope this helped!