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I'm trying to make an adventure game collectible. Can someone help?

Asked by 9 years ago

Have you ever played adventure forward: Star Savior? I want to make a system as they make for their stars. I already have worked out a script. It works...

02function T(hit)
03    name=hit.Parent
04    players=game:GetService("Players")
05    player=players:findFirstChild(name.Name)
06    if player.leaderstats.Gems.Value<=num then
07        local gems=player.leaderstats.Gems
08        gems.Value=gems.Value+1
09    end

This will award the gem to the player ONLY if the player has 'num' or less gems.

Here's my problem.

I want the player to collect gems in any order. I can't do temp data, either, because the data saves. I need a way for you to only be able to collect each gem once, but be able to collect them in any order.

Thank you for your time.

Why don't you use `GetPlayerFromCharacter`? woodengop 1134 — 9y
I like to mix things up. Actually, it's just instinct. ChemicalHex 979 — 9y

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Answered by
adark 5487 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

What you can do is save a Dictionary of the stars a player has collected.

Say, for instance, I have 4 Stars: A, B, C, and D. My Dictionary would look like this:

1adarksDictionary = {A = true, B = true, C = true, D = true}

If you have F and E, but not B, yours would look like this:

1dsboy55sDictionary = {A = true, C = true, D = true, E = true, F = true}

To get the total star count, just walk the table:

1local total = 0
2for _, v in ipairs(dsboy55sDictionary) do
3    if v then --in case a star gets saved as false (which shouldn't happen, but I digress)
4        total = total + 1
5    end
7print("dsboy55 has collected " .. total .. " Stars!")
How would that add to a number value in leaderstats, though? ChemicalHex 979 — 9y
Walk the table. I'll add an example code to the end. adark 5487 — 9y

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