Welding a part to a player's torso makes the player die on spawn. Any help?
Hi. I've been trying to un-bevel the ROBLOX player (sort of like in the old days, circa 2008). I've got the arms and legs done, but whenever I weld a new part to the torso, the player dies on spawn. Here's my code:
01 | local function trueWeld(a,b) |
02 | local weld = Instance.new( "ManualWeld" , a) |
05 | weld.C 0 = CFrame.new() |
09 | local function dressCharacter(character) |
10 | character:WaitForChild( "Torso" ).Transparency = 1 |
11 | local fakeTorso = game.Workspace.Player:WaitForChild( "Torso" ):Clone() |
12 | fakeTorso.Parent = character |
13 | trueWeld(character:WaitForChild( "Torso" ),fakeTorso) |
17 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect( function (player) |
18 | player.CharacterAdded:connect(dressCharacter) |
19 | if player.Character then |
20 | dressCharacter(player.Character) |
Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?