Hi guys! This script picks two players and puts them in the blue team, then the rest should go in the green team. However, the two players go in the blue team but only two players go in the green team. Even if there are 8 people in the server only the 4 go in the teams ;( It is so weird?! Any ideas? Thanks
id = 186964027 list = {} function AddPlayers() for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetPlayers()) do table.insert(list,v) if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(v,id) then table.insert(list,v) end end num1 = math.random(1,#list) --Number num1 = list[num1] -- Value from the table num1.TeamColor = BrickColor.Blue() num2 = math.random(1,#list) --Number num2 = list[num2] -- Value from the table num2.TeamColor = BrickColor.Blue() print(num1) print(num2) if num2.Name == num1.Name then repeat num2 = math.random(1,#list) num2 = list[num2] num2.TeamColor = BrickColor.Blue() until num2.Name ~= num1.Name end for i,v in pairs (list) do if v.Name ~= num1.Name and v.Name ~= num2.Name then v.TeamColor = BrickColor.new("Bright green") for i = 1, #list do table.remove(list, i) end wait(5) end end end
I believe it is a problem with you final generic for loop. Inside of it you nested another for loop that clears the list.
What you want to do is search through the list changing all the other unselected player's TeamColor to Bright green and then clear the list.
for i, v in ipairs (list) do if v.Name ~= num1.Name and v.Name ~= num2.Name then v.TeamColor = BrickColor.new("Bright green") end end list = {}