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Why isn't this script working?

Asked by 9 years ago

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I made a hat that instead of having to touch the hat you have to click it, so i changed the script from an onTouch to an onClicked. But whenever i click on the hat i get the error "Bad Cast". Can anyone help me resolve this?

01function onClicked(player)
02    if player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and  player.Character:FindFirstChild("Helmet") == nil then
03        local g = script.Parent.Parent.Helm:clone()
04        g.Parent = player.Character
05        local C = g:GetChildren()
06        for i=1, #C do
07            if C[i].className == "Part" or "Union" then
08                local W ="Weld")
09                W.Part0 = g.Middle
10                W.Part1 = C[i]
11                local CJ =
12                local C0 = g.Middle.CFrame:inverse()*CJ
13                local C1 = C[i].CFrame:inverse()*CJ
14                W.C0 = C0
15                W.C1 = C1
View all 33 lines...
Check out the response on my answer. Redbullusa 1580 — 9y

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Answered by
Redbullusa 1580 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Tab your code correctly! It will look more organized.

"Bad cast" occurs when ROBLOX functions or object are given something that it is not expecting.

The error I see so far that will stop your script from working is on line 7.

1if C[i].className == "Part" or "Union" then

Let's break the code into pieces.

1if | C[i].className == "Part" | or | "Union" | then
4C[i].className == "Part"

The 4th part of this code will create an error, because you're basically saying to the computer...

1if "Union" then
2-- It's basically saying...
3if true then
4-- Because "if" statements determine whether the condition is true or not
5-- Now let's look at a line of your code
6W.Part1 = C[i] -- Line 10
7-- At this point, the weld's Part1 is set to the object that the "for" loop is indexing. Unfortunately, if the object is not a BasePart, then it will throw that "bad cast" error.
9-- In short, that "bad cast" error happened due to the weld's Part1 set to something that it is not expecting (a "Part" object, for example)

So, if you want to include "UnionOperation" and "Part" objects as the welded parts, see if C[i] is equal to each of the strings.

1if C[i].ClassName == "Part" or C[i].ClassName == "UnionOperation" then
2-- "UnionOperation" is the actual term for Union objects

To type less for convenience, use the :IsA() method, and use "BasePart" as the argument, because it inherits both "Part" and "UnionOperation".

1if C[i]:IsA("BasePart") then

1-- Delete line 25
2for i = 1, #C do
3    if C[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
4        C[i].Anchored = false
5        C[i].CanCollide = false
6    end
Your script seemed to have fixed the "Bad Cast" but now i'm getting a " Anchored is not a valid member of SpecialMesh". purplemetro3421 5 — 9y
Create the same "if" statement I discussed about for line 7. Or Replace "h" with "C" on line 26. Redbullusa 1580 — 9y
Now that i have changed the "h" with the "c" on line 26 does that mean that i also have to change the "i" inside the h[i]? purplemetro3421 5 — 9y
No, but you have to change the "h" in each of the "h[i]", resulting "C[i]" for lines 27 and 28. Redbullusa 1580 — 9y
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:( now it went back to " Anchored is not a valid member of SpecialMesh". I'm so sirree if it looks as if i don't understand this. It's because im actually fairly new to scripting purplemetro3421 5 — 9y
Wrap the code within the "for" loop (the one on line 26) with the "if" statement I mentioned in my answer; let me show you how. Redbullusa 1580 — 9y
That did the trick! but why isn't the script recognizing the click detector that i already have inside the Model it keeps saying that click detector is not part of the script". purplemetro3421 5 — 9y

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