I use 2 scripts in this
So, i'm trying to add 1 number to the bot's name after it dies. He starts out as 'Bot1' and I want this script to add 1 to the number each time. This doesn't work because I get the error Workspace.BotArea.Bot1.ExplodeOnDeath:2: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'botname' (a nil value).
The other problem is that I use a script that doesn't allow the bot to get through the brick. But, the script doesn't work because I check for the name "Bot" in my script, and I don't know how to make it check for the name of the bot.
Here are the two scripts:
c = script.Parent:Clone() botname = botname + 1 while true do wait(0) if script.Parent.isDead.Value == true then for i = 7,0,-1 do script.Parent.Name = "Respawning in "..i.." second(s)." wait(1) end c.Parent = workspace c:MakeJoints() script.Parent.Name = "Bot"..botname script.Parent:Destroy() end end
local SpawnPos=Vector3.new(36.89, 3, -114) script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent and hit.Parent.Name == "Bot" then hit.Parent:MoveTo(SpawnPos) end end)
I have edited your script so that it would do what my comment says. I believe this should work, if not, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.
c = script.Parent:Clone() botname = 1 while true do wait(0) if script.Parent.isDead.Value == true then for i = 7,0,-1 do script.Parent.Name = "Respawning in "..i.." second(s)." wait(1) end c.Parent = workspace c:MakeJoints() botname = botname + 1 script.Parent.Name = "Bot"..botname script.Parent:Destroy() end end
local SpawnPos=Vector3.new(36.89, 3, -114) script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(hit) if hit.Name.sub(1,3) == "Bot" then hit.Parent:MoveTo(SpawnPos) end end)