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How would I do this?

Asked by 9 years ago

Please provide more explanation in your question. If you explain exactly what you are trying to accomplish, it will be much easier to answer your question correctly.

I have a GUI that you enter numbers in, and i'm trying to make it so that when you enter coordinates in the GUI, a brick named "ITarget" is created in that position. I don't know how to start, and i need some help. Thanks

This is a bit vague. You need to tell us what format the strings are coming in as and if it is just one textbox or many. DigitalVeer 1473 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by
xuefei123 214 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

CaptureFocus() maybe,

and TextBox.Text.Changed:connect(thefuntcion)


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