How shall I include this script?
So I have an answer to my needs, but I don't know how to input it into the script without breaking my game! Here is what I have!
03 | local m = math.random( 1 , 1 ) |
05 | local player = game.Players:GetPlayers() |
07 | msg = "Message" ) |
10 | msg.Parent = game.Workspace |
11 | msg.Text = "Disast Air flight 1337 has Landed!" |
13 | msg.Text = "Boarding starts in..." |
21 | msg.Text = "Please board the Aircraft!" |
23 | player [ i ] .Character:MoveTo(Vector 3. new()) |
25 | game.Lighting.Minigame 1 :clone().Parent = game.Workspace |
27 | game.Workspace.Minigame 1. TerminalPlane:remove() |
28 | game.Workspace.Minigame 1. OneWayTeleportPad:remove() |
30 | msg.Parent = game.Workspace |
31 | msg.Text = "Disastair Flight 1337 never arrived at it's destination..." |
34 | game.Workspace.Minigame 1 :Remove() |
So here I have an adapted version of the LionSaysRoar Minigame Script, changed to suit my needs! However, I need it so that the character doesn't teleport to where the 'obby' begins, but leaves them in their current position!
I was given this by Merely however
1 | local character = player [ i ] .Character |
2 | local humanoidRootPart = character:FindFirstChild( "HumanoidRootPart" ) |
3 | if humanoidRootPart then |
4 | character:MoveTo(humanoidRootPart.Position) |
So now I need to know how to add it to the main script!
Thanks in advance,
Michael H!