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Random map generation script not working!?

Asked by
lucas4114 607 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

So, I have no idea what the error is this time.. D: So here it is:

RoundStart = game.Workspace.RoundStart  
Room1 = game.ServerStorage.Room1
Room2 = game.ServerStorage.Room2
Room3 = game.ServerStorage.Room3
Room4 = game.ServerStorage.Room4
Room5 = game.ServerStorage.Room5

function NewMap()
    if RoundStart.Value == true then
        RandomRoom = (math.random(1,5))
        if RandomRoom == 1 then
            local Map1 = Room1:Clone()
            Map1.Parent = game.Workspace
        if RandomRoom == 2 then
            local Map2 = Room2:Clone()
            Map2.Parent = game.Workspace
        if RandomRoom == 3 then
            local Map3 = Room3:Clone()
            Map3.Parent = game.Workspace
        if RandomRoom == 4 then
            local Map4 = Room4:Clone()
            Map4.Parent = game.Workspace
        if RandomRoom == 5 then
            local Map5 = Room5:Clone()
            Map5.Parent = game.Workspace


Please help?

You can find the error in the output Anciteify 70 — 9y
Commonly, if this script is usually initiated once the Player joins the game, ServerStorage wouldn't have loaded yet. I usually recommend using Lighting. Shawnyg 4330 — 9y
There is no error in the output. lucas4114 607 — 9y
It doesn't matter if RoundStart is being changed. If It helped, accept the answer. We are not supposed to give you a full done script.(I got in trouble for it :\) EzraNehemiah_TF2 3552 — 9y
It didn't help me at all........ :P lucas4114 607 — 9y

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

I recommend using lists/tables when dealing with multiple objects:

RoundStart = game.Workspace.RoundStart
--Initialize Rooms list
numRooms = 5
Rooms = {}
for i = 1, numRooms do
    Rooms[i] = game.ServerStorage["Room" .. i]

function NewMap()
    if RoundStart.Value then
        local randomRoom = math.random(1, 5)
        local map = Rooms[randomRoom]:Clone()
        map.Parent = workspace


As you can see, using a list makes the NewMap function considerably smaller.

You might want to add RoundStart.Value = false somewhere in the NewMap function (within the 'if RoundStart.Value then` block).

You could also do table.insert instead of doing Rooms[i] = etc, blah, blah, blah. EzraNehemiah_TF2 3552 — 9y
True, but table.insert is a couple times slower than Rooms[i] = ___ (at least when I tested it just now) and gives no benefit in this case (since we know the length of the table is i-1) chess123mate 5873 — 9y
It is better to do, "local test = 0". Incase of a new roblox update, many things might change. For example they remove the Lighting and the only way to reach it is by doing GetService or something. Better safe than sorry. EzraNehemiah_TF2 3552 — 9y
BTW if RandomRoom then would work since RandomRoom is a searched by a "FindFirstChild" method... EzraNehemiah_TF2 3552 — 9y
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Answered by 9 years ago
  1. Make the variables local
  2. Is RoundStart being changed?

Local Variables

You need to do this because of this example.

local num = 0 --Variable

--What you are doing is this

test = 0 --This would mean that the variable test will be changed to 0. But in order to do this
--"test" will need to be an already existing variable.

--To let the script know you are making a new variable, put local behind it.

num = 1 --This will work since num was created on line 1.

Is the the RoundStart value being changed? Instead of using a value, call the function in the script.

function startround()
    print("Starting round!")

startround() --Calling the function right here in the script!

Here is the perfected script, that may need some fixing. You can fix the rest.

function NewMap()
       local  RandomRoom = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):FindFirstChild("Room"..math.random(1,5))
            if RandomRoom then
                    RandomRoom:clone().Parent = workspace

Hope this helps!

RoundStart is being changed... lucas4114 607 — 9y
Your comment on line 5 in the first script is false. "test = 0" is perfectly legal. Since "test" doesn't exist beforehand, it's considered a global variable. It's still a good idea to use 'local' when possible, but it's not required. Also, if "RandomRoom" is nil in line 3 (last script), the NewMap function will fail -- I'd recommend throwing an error or simply not checking "if RandomRoom then" at chess123mate 5873 — 9y

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