I've been using a shift to sprint script, and all of a sudden it doesn't work...I finally noticed that its sprinting on caps lock
1 | SprintKey = string.char( "0" ) |
I looked at this page for the Key Inputs
I tested it in a Hopperbin. The link you give actually gives you the answer in a table (see "Full List"), though its values weren't 100% accurate for me. For left shift, you want to compare it to string.char(48)
You can test it out yourself by using this script (modified from the link for a hopperbin):
1 | local tool = script.Parent |
2 | tool.Selected:connect( function (mouse) |
3 | mouse.KeyDown:connect( function (key) |
4 | print (key, "pressed, byte:" , string.byte(key)) |
5 | end ) |
6 | end ) |
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