Sooo... I need help, I got a GUI button, I made it play a click sound when pressed (And all that other code that makes it do what it was ment for, but ignore that.) So, how would I play that sound to only the person who clicked the button on the screen GUI?
function onClick() script.Parent.Sound:Play() -- This is where I needed help!..... script.Parent.Parent.BadgesButton.Visible = false wait(0.07) script.Parent.Parent.InfoButton.Visible = false wait(0.07) script.Parent.Parent.HelpButton.Visible = false wait(0.07) script.Parent.Parent.UpdatesButton.Visible = false wait(0.08) script.Parent.Parent.PlayButton.Visible = false wait(0.1) script.Parent.Parent.Title.Visible = false wait(0.1) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.UpdateMenu.Visible = true wait(0.06) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.UpdateMenu.BackButton.Visible = true wait(0.06) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.UpdateMenu.TextLabel.Visible = true end script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(onClick)
The only thing that you have to do for this, is simply put the sound inside the players PlayerGui. So, if you're in Studio, move the sound into the StarterGui, and it should work fine. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments. Hope I helped :P