So earlier I was making a boomerang tool and I fixed a few errors before I wanted to get to this part. I am using a BodyPosition to make the boomerang fly forwards. I tried using LookVector but I'm not sure how that would work in this situation.
Tool = script.Parent function onActivated() wait() Tool.Handle.BodyPosition.position = Tool.Parent.Torso.Position + (20,0,0)-- I want this to be 20 studs away from where the Player is faceing but I don't know how. Tool.Parent = game.Workspace end Tool.Equipped:connect(onActivated)
Thanks! ~Minikitkat
If you have a lookVector (ex of the user's torso), simply multiply it by the magnitude you want (20 in this case) and add it to the player's torso's position:
Tool.Handle.BodyPosition.position = Tool.Parent.Torso.Position + Tool.Parent.Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 20