FPS Arms going crazy?
I've been making guns for a while and as I have, I have found different ways to work with roblox physics and making FPS arms that are only visible by you. However, there are some strange problems with it. I have built the FPS arms into my guns, and the gun will remove them when you unequip the gun, but the problem is, sometimes, some of the guns will anchor you to position 0, 0, 0 and won't let you out until you unequip the gun. This happens 1 out of 2 times. So I need this fixed badly. I'm don't understand welds too much, but I know they keep parts inside each other. Here is the part of the gun script that inserts the FPS arms:
02 | local Arms = { Player.Character [ "Left Arm" ] , Player.Character [ "Right Arm" ] } |
03 | local AM = Instance.new( "Model" , game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) |
04 | AM.Name = Player.Name.. "FakeArms" |
05 | Arm 1 = Instance.new( "Part" , AM) |
07 | Arm 1. FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric |
08 | Arm 1. CanCollide = false |
09 | Arm 1. Size = Vector 3. new( 1 , 2 , 1 ) |
11 | Arm 1. BrickColor = BrickColor.new( "Black" ) |
12 | local Mesh 1 = Instance.new( "BlockMesh" , Arm 1 ) |
13 | Mesh 1. Scale = Vector 3. new( 0.9 , 0.9 , 0.9 ) |
14 | Arm 2 = Instance.new( "Part" , AM) |
15 | Arm 2. Name = "Right Arm" |
16 | Arm 2. FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric |
17 | Arm 2. CanCollide = false |
18 | Arm 2. Size = Vector 3. new( 1 , 2 , 1 ) |
20 | Arm 2. BrickColor = BrickColor.new( "Black" ) |
21 | local Mesh 2 = Instance.new( "BlockMesh" , Arm 2 ) |
22 | Mesh 2. Scale = Vector 3. new( 0.9 , 0.9 , 0.9 ) |
23 | local W 1 = Instance.new( "Weld" , Arm 1 ) |
26 | local W 2 = Instance.new( "Weld" , Arm 2 ) |
Any ideas as of why it does what it does?