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What is the service that filter a player's message before chatting? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

I'm making a chat GUI and I need to filter the message a user enters. I remember that there is a service with a function that does this, but I completely forgot what service that is.

Edit 2: If you are going to down vote this, do you mind explaining why?

Do you mean the Chatted Event? woodengop 1134 — 9y
Are you sure there's a service that does that? I'm looking at the wiki and I'm not finding anything. yumtaste 476 — 9y
@yum, I'm looking it up, and I don't know what service he's talking about, maybe he's talking about the Chatted event. woodengop 1134 — 9y
I'm not talking about the Chatted event, there is a service that does that. The in-game roblox chat system uses that service to filter chats.. Vlatkovski 320 — 9y
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filter? That can't be touched. woodengop 1134 — 9y
@Europe What do you mean? I didn't mention anything about the Touched event. Vlatkovski 320 — 9y
The Filter system in the ROBLOX Chat is locked away from any users reach. woodengop 1134 — 9y
I knew something was too good to be true. @Vlatkovski, I'll make you a function for your chat GUI that censors players' chat messages. yumtaste 476 — 9y

Locked by yumtaste, NinjoOnline, and Redbullusa

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2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

The ChatService has FilterStringForPlayerAsync which does what you want.

THANK YOU. Vlatkovski 320 — 9y
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Answered by
yumtaste 476 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Chat filtering is automatic. However, the difference between utilizing it with a custom-made chat GUI and leaving the default ROBLOX chat GUI is the default chat will automatically censor unacceptable words with hashtags (#'s). However, if you make a custom chat GUI, I believe that if there is a swear word, the chat label will be empty instead of with the profane word censored. I can test that if you want, but you should be able to. Unless you want to make custom messages from the server viewed in chat (or just hate the look of the new chat), I strongly recommend you keep the default ROBLOX chat system.

Let meh Put up a point. woodengop 1134 — 9y
Wow! I didn't know about Roblox auto-filtering GUI TextLabels (I just tested it). It doesn't make the textlabel empty, it just doesn't update the text value. chess123mate 5873 — 9y