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Can force firstperson, but can't get out of it? [UNANSWERED]

Asked by
9 years ago

So, I have been developing a script that would allow people to enter/exit a forced first/thirdperson at ease. However, exiting out of first person is the problem. I have been able to get the script to work correctly, UNTIL I try to get into thirdperson. I've tried flipflopping it so that I start off with FirstPersonLocked, but you still cannot exit thirdperson. Here's the essential parts of the code seeing as though I've already established the victims and working chat commands so assume that there's nothing else needed except fixing this code:

function onCall(plr, message)
        if message:sub(1, 13):lower() == ":firstperson " then
            local victim = findTargets(plr, message:sub(14))
            for i, v in pairs(victim) do
                    if v.CameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.Classic then
                        v.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
        if message:sub(1, 13):lower() == ":thirdperson " then
            local victim = findTargets(plr, message:sub(14))
            for i, v in pairs(victim) do
                    if v.CameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.LockFistPerson then
                        v.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic
Can you think of any reason at all this script should be using coroutines? BlueTaslem 18071 — 9y
So that if multiple people are calling commands and so everyone has the commands used at the same time(?). Also, removing them does nothing to fix the script's current problem. IXLKIDDO 110 — 9y
If 'onCall' is getting called from an event (ex OnChatted), each one gets its own coroutine anyway, so you don't need them here. Further, since this function doesn't use wait commands, it'd work the same way even if everyone was on one coroutine (since only one coroutine runs at a time in lua). chess123mate 5873 — 9y

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

You have a typo:

if v.CameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.LockFistPerson then

You missed the 'r' in "First".

(The rest of this post is relevant even if that typo wasn't in your original script).

Sometimes Roblox won't tell you about an error. In that case, it's good to employ "print" debugging -- add print statements throughout your code (that is, the area of the code you are debugging) to figure out exactly what's running (deleting them when you fix the bug, of course). If you need to test it online, don't forget that you can read what the print statements say in the Developer Console (press F9 to open it).

ex, I might debug it like this:

--Sorry for bad spacing; that's ScriptingHelpers' spaces mixed with my tabs
function onCall(plr, message)
    --rest of onCall here
    print(plr, "chatted", message) --prove that the code execution got to this point
        if message:sub(1, 13):lower() == ":thirdperson " then
        print(plr, "chatted thirdperson") --prove that the if statement worked
            local victim = findTargets(plr, message:sub(14))
        print(#victim, " victims detected") --make sure that victims were found
            for i, v in pairs(victim) do
        print("About to do if statement for", v) --make sure the coroutine is running as expected
                    if v.CameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson then
            print("About to switch to Classic mode for", v) --make sure the 'if' statement is working
                        v.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic
        else --explain what happened if the 'if' statement is false
            print(v, "did not have FirstPerson camera. CameraMode:", v.CameraMode)

If a print statement gives unexpected output, or doesn't even get run, this will inform you of what's actually going on. ex, if print(plr, "chatted thirdperson") --prove that the if statement worked was the last thing you saw in the output before a print(plr, "chatted", message) message, this would tell you that findTargets is encountering an error.

Do be careful: while using print statements to debug your program, it is very easy to introduce new bugs (ex if you assume something's not nil when -in reality - it could be).

Also, don't forget to remove the coroutines, which serve no purpose in this function. If you need to prove it to yourself, try experiments with them. ex, put this script in a new place:

function test(i, doWait)
    print("Starting test", i)
    if doWait then wait(0.5) end
    print("Ending test", i)
print("Tests all at once")
for i = 1, 3 do
    coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait() test(i, false) end))
print("Tests that wait")
for i = 1, 3 do
    coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait() test(i, true) end))
Tests all at once
Starting test 1
Ending test 1
Starting test 2
Ending test 2
Starting test 3
Ending test 3
Tests that wait
Starting test 1
Starting test 2
Starting test 3
Ending test 1
Ending test 2
Ending test 3

The first set of tests proves that if the coroutine doesn't wait, the coroutine will finish before letting the next one start (if you want better proof of this, put in a for loop that runs for a 100k iterations -- it'll lag your computer for a fraction of a second or so, and you'll note that the same output is displayed). The second set of tests show what happens when a coroutine does wait: it lets the next coroutine start/resume.

[EDIT] I discovered that error messages are hidden when you use coroutines and the error message occurs before/without a 'wait' command. You can display the error message by checking the return value of 'coroutine.resume', which will return true if there was no immediate error or else false, errorMsg.

Thanks for the tips and the fix... I couldn't believe that little typo (D:)... Anyways, you earn my answer spot and reputation. However, I'd also like to ask you when a coroutine would be optimal. The coroutine part was based off of something I noticed in other admin scripts (analyzed how they work) and the roblox wiki just says that it allows parts of a script (like the for command that I inputte IXLKIDDO 110 — 9y
I responded via Roblox message chess123mate 5873 — 9y
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Answered by 9 years ago

It would be plenty easier if you just forced first person by doing this


game.StarterPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance.Value = 10 game.StarterPlayer.CameraMinZoomDistance.Value = 0.5 --[[ Doing this makes it so they are locked in First Person Mode. And so that they can get into minimal third person to edit guis.

Or alternatively, you can just open your game, go to StarterPlayer, and change the value called CameraMaxZoomDistance.Value = 10

The main point of my the firstperson, thirdperson commands is so that when I'm ready to start an event, I could type that in and it'll start. No gui changes/using would be needed at that point. IXLKIDDO 110 — 9y

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