Error : Bad API request; invalid API option.
In case you forgot the API developer webpage its :
I need the script to format the data into a table and post onto my pastebin webpage.
local API=''; local HTTPService=game:service'HttpService'; local strf=string.format; function pastebin_post( dev_key , user_key , paste_name , paste_code ) local Data = { 'api_option = \'paste\''; strf('api_user_key=%s',tostring(user_key)); 'api_paste_private=0'; strf('api_paste_name=%s',HTTPService:UrlEncode( tostring(paste_name or 'Misc') )); 'api_paste_expire_data=N'; 'api_paste_format=lua'; strf('api_dev_key=%s',tostring(dev_key)); strf('api_paste_code=%s',HTTPService:UrlEncode( tostring(paste_code) )); }; Data = table.concat(Data,'&'); print(Data) local Result = HTTPService:PostAsync(API,Data,2); print('Results: '..Result); return(Result); end; local Reason = "Testing Pastebin postasync from ROBLOX" local Plr = "derp" pastebin_post( '' , -- For security reason's this key has been removed before this post. 'jillmiles1' , 'Actinium-Banlist' , "{"..Plr..", -1 , "..Reason..",'Really red'}" )