local badgeId = 242823741 local owner = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Owner.Value while wait() do if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name == "PurchasedObjects" then if game:GetService("BadgeService"):UserHasBadge(owner.userId, badgeId) then script.Parent.Got.Value = true break end end end
This script works, so nothing needs to be changed, but I was wondering if it was possible to make it more simple and create less lag cause I know while wait() do is not the best way for loops as it does cause a lot of lag. Any ideas?
Well you can use MarketplaceService which has a PlayerOwnsAsset function to tell if the player has the badge however you would still have the problem of HttpCache with it here is a example of how it would be used. And to reduce lag I would suggest wrapping it into a function and creating a check every 10 seconds or connecting it to a event.
local badgeId = 242823741 local owner = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Owner.Value local function Check() if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name == "PurchasedObjects" then if game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PlayerOwnsAsset(owner, badgeId) then script.Parent.Got.Value = true return true --tells the while loop the player has the badge end return false --tells the while loop the player doesn't have the badge end while true do if Check() then break end wait(10)--waits 10 seconds till it checks again end
Please up my reputation I hope I have answered correctly for you.
Could do "true" rather than wait()
However remember not to make it a infinite loop. I usually put wait() either on the top of the code or at the bottom so the code has time to have a split second break.
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