I don't like the ROBLOX backpack, and I disabled it so that I could make my own. However, I've run into a problem. I can't open my inventory! The i
key isn't working! Is there anything I can do to get it to work?
Some keys in KeyDown (i, o) are reserved for other things by a binding. Use KeyUp instead, and you should be able to get the input from those reserved keys.
Keys i,o, and / don't work with KeyDown since they are preset by CoreGuis which use AddSpecialKey, as MrNicNac said just use KeyUp to receive them, but if you really need it then you can set the Camera to Scriptable to get i and o and to get / remove the chat core gui using SetCoreGuiEnabled
You could set the Camera to Scriptable to use the > i key. By default, > i and > o are used by the camera.
some of the keys won't work cause of the key:byte() thingy
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