I want to have a script that gives you your team clothes when you enter the game. This is the script I have. In the Output it says Line 29 global removepants, line 40 global on PLayer Respawned, and something about line 53. It doesnt work when you spawn, and the clothing temples are the children of the script.
function removeShirt(character) while character:findFirstChild("Shirt")~=nil do character.Shirt:remove() end --Removes current shirt end function removePants(character) while character:findFirstChild("Pants")~=nil do character.Pants:remove() end --Removes current Pants end function removeTShirt(character) if character:findFirstChild("Torso") and character.Torso:findFirstChild("roblox") then --Removes current TShirt character.Torso.roblox:remove() end -- The Functions above remove the new players clothing end function onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer) if newPlayer.TeamColor == game.Teams["Atlas"].TeamColor then --Checks to see if the player is on the team removePants(char) removeShirt(char) --Removes clothing shirt3 = script.Clothing2:clone() shirt4 = script.Pants2:clone() shirt3.Parent = char --Clones and equips the new uniform shirt4.Parent = char return end end function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) newPlayer.Changed:connect(function (property) if (property == "Character") then onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer) -- Checks if the Player is a Character end end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(onPlayerEntered)
I have cleaned up the code and changed the event to characterAdded, also I have not tested the shit cloning part as I don't have the parts to clone.
Hope this helps:-
--Realy simple function to remove an item function rmItm(char, itm) --waits for the item just in case while not char:WaitForChild(itm) do wait() end --finds the item local item = char:FindFirstChild(itm) --removes the item item:remove() end --New player game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function (plr) print("Player Added:- " .. plr.Name) --character load plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function (char) --wait for character but clothes do not load?? while char == nil do wait()end print("Player Sporned:- " .. char.Name) wait(2) --dont know how to wait for all of the character to load? shirt not present with other waiting methods? --lopp through all of the characters incase they have multiple hatz etc. for _,v in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do --character item v class check to see what it realy is just in case the name is wrong if v:IsA("Shirt") or v:IsA("Hat") or v:IsA("Pants")then rmItm(char, v.Name) print("Removed:- " .. v.Name) end end --All done print("Player cleaned") --I dont know if this will work as i dont have the rsources to test this if plr.TeamColor == game.Teams["Atlas"].TeamColor then shirt3 = script.Clothing2:clone() shirt4 = script.Pants2:clone() shirt3.Parent = char --Clones and equips the new uniform shirt4.Parent = char end end) end)