Hi, thank you for reading. What I'm trying to do here is to clone an object, called Wood, and another object called Foil, into the workspace if there is nothing in workspace called Wood or Foil. The thing is that it only identifies Wood. I want to make a list of things that will be cloned into the workspace if it's not in the workspace.
local Loot = game.Lighting.Loot:GetChildren() local Name = ("Wood"),("Foil") while wait(.1) do if not game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Name) then for i = 1, #Loot do if Loot[i] and Loot[i].Name == Name then local Add = Loot[i]:Clone() Add.Parent = game.Workspace if game.Workspace.Part then Part = workspace.Part Add:MoveTo(Part.Position) end end end end end