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Error with DataStores? [Fixed]

Asked by 9 years ago
19:43:35.587 - Cannot write to DataStore from studio if API access is not enabled. Enable it by going to the Game Settings page.
19:43:35.588 - Script 'ServerScriptService.server', Line 45
19:43:35.588 - Stack End

I went to the configure place page of my game, there is nothing about "DataStore API access" ...

You have to enable it from the Games tab, not Places. Muoshuu 580 — 9y
Click onto the game page - > click the "..." -> click "Configure this game" -> click "Enable Studio Access to API Services" -> Save (Obv) MessorAdmin 598 — 9y
You're trying to use DataStores from studio, but your Studio Access to API Services is turned off. Turn it on mate. Goulstem 8144 — 9y
@Messor, @mu6666: thanks, can't believe I didn't notice that. Vlatkovski 320 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago
  1. Go to the actual game e.g
  2. Click the three dots "..."
  3. Click on the option configure this place.
  4. Check the first checkbox called "Enable Studio Access to API Services".

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