I need help on my new script. The help i need is that i want it so that the person presses a button using gui's and then the shirt and pants appear on the human.
--Made by codboy22 local shirtTemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=59323775" local pantsTemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=59404936" ------------------------------------------------------- local faceID = "" ------------------------------------------------------- local delete_Tshirts = true ------------------------------------------------------- -- Main coding: function changeClothing(p) if (p.Character) then local shirt = true local pants = true local face = true if (shirtTemplate == "") then shirt = false end if (pantsTemplate == "") then pants = false end if (faceID == "") then face = false end local S = Instance.new("Shirt") S.Name = "Shirt" S.ShirtTemplate = shirtTemplate local P = Instance.new("Pants") P.Name = "Pants" P.PantsTemplate = pantsTemplate for _,v in pairs(p.Character:GetChildren()) do if (v.className == "Shirt") then if (shirt) then v:remove() end elseif (v.className == "Pants") then if (pants) then v:remove() end elseif ((v.className == "Part") and (v.Name == "Torso")) then if ((delete_Tshirts) and (v:findFirstChild("roblox"))) then v.roblox:remove() end elseif ((v.className == "Part") and (v.Name == "Head")) then if ((face) and (v:findFirstChild("face"))) then v.face.Texture = faceID end end if (shirt) then S.Parent = p.Character end if (pants) then P.Parent = p.Character end end print("Changed " .. p.Name .. "'s clothing") else print(p.Name .. "'s character was not found; function returned") return end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) repeat wait() until p.Character -- Wait for the new player to spawn changeClothing(p) p.Changed:connect(function(x) if (x == "Character") then game:service("RunService").Stepped:wait() if not (p.Character) then return end changeClothing(p) end end) end) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:connect(onClicked)