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I Want a help with an cash giver, can you help me please?

Asked by 9 years ago

I Made an Obby for a tycoon game at the end you get 5000 Cash but it gives u the cash, but whenever i take the cash it only shows the cash it doesnt work, when i collect "Cash to Collect" it only give me the cash that i collect and removes the cash i toke from the obby.

Besides when i say (:change me cash 999999) it doesnt work (Same ^ Up ^) it only changes it doesnt give it, (:give me cash) for that i need to put something in the lightning a script maybe what should i put?

check capitalization in scripts and leaderboards. ZeroBits 142 — 9y
Provide your leaderboard script, as well s the end of the lobby script please. Goulstem 8144 — 9y
I am confused: you are saying that the scripts are giving you the cash... but not? What precisely isn't working? chess123mate 5873 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by
P100D 590 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Personally, I think your problem here is most tycoon kits don't keep the cash value in the leaderboard, it's kept in the actual tycoon model. Try working around that by changing the value of the cash in the actual tycoon model.


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