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"Player is not valid member of workspace"? [Solved]

Asked by 9 years ago

The output says that player is not a valid member of workspace! Why is that? here is my finishedscript

repeat wait(1) if workspace:findFirstChild("Player") then if script.Parent.Value == 1 and script.Parent.Parent.CamValue.Value == 1 then script.Parent.Parent.MechName.Text = "Forest Camo Mech single gun" print("changed single name") Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Workspace.CameraFocus1 Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Attach" wait(0.75) Workspace.Player.Humanoid:MoveTo(Workspace.Map.Spawners.WhiteSpawn.Position) elseif script.Parent.Value == 2 and script.Parent.Parent.CamValue.Value == 1 then script.Parent.Parent.MechName.Text = "Forest Camo Mech double guns" print("changed double name") Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Workspace.CameraFocus2 wait(0.75) Workspace.Player.Humanoid:MoveTo(Workspace.Map.Spawners.GraySpawn.Position) elseif script.Parent.Value == 3 and script.Parent.Parent.CamValue.Value == 1 then script.Parent.Parent.MechName.Text = "Forest Camo Mech double guns w/ cannon" print("changed cannon name") Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Workspace.CameraFocus3 wait(0.75) Workspace.Player.Humanoid:MoveTo(Workspace.Map.Spawners.BlackSpawn.Position) end end until script.Parent.Parent.CamValue.Value == 0

Please help!!! Thank you!!! Output: - Player is not a valid member of Workspace

on lines 8,14, and 21 Player isn't a valid member which means you need to check if it isn't nil. By doing this, add an if workspace:findFirstChild("Player") then before those lines. FutureWebsiteOwner 270 — 9y
That worked thank you, I am posting the finished script now! yogipanda123 120 — 9y

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