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How do I bring something back?

Asked by 10 years ago

How do I bring something back after a script has removed it?

How is the script removing it? If it's using :destroy() there is no way to recover iaz3 190 — 10y
Explain why you want to do this. There's the XY problem; we can't read minds; you might be on a completely wrong path. BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago

Don't remove it, Parent it to ReplicatedStorage and then if you want it back, Parent it to Workspace - or wherever you need the "something".

A lot of things in my game need it for a good experience :) Seeker5123 15 — 10y
I have an inventory Gui, and I'm worried that if I just make visable=false, it would still be clickable Seeker5123 15 — 10y
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Answered by
Uroxus 350 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

Place a copy of the something into ServerStorage and when you remove it and want it back, just clone it from ServerStorage and to place it where it's wanted. (This would only work for a model, If it's a GUI you'd clone it and change the parent to the local player) But why would you want something back after it's been removed?

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