I have it so that when the player hits the button "Play" it makes their camera focus on them, and then is supposed to clone the model called DisplayForestCamoMech, and then the mech's position is the players position + (5,0,5)! Why isn't this happening!
Here is my [Fixed] script
if script.Parent.Value == 1 then script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Workspace.CurrentMech:remove() mech = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.ReplicatedStorage.DisplayForestCamoMech:Clone() mech.Name = "CurrentMech" mech.Parent = game.Workspace mech:makeJoints() script.Parent.Parent.MechName.Text = ("Forest Camo Mech single gun") elseif script.Parent.Value == 2 then script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Workspace.CurrentMech:remove() mech = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.ReplicatedStorage.DisplayForestCamoMechDoubleGuns:Clone() mech.Name = "CurrentMech" mech.Parent = game.Workspace mech:makeJoints() script.Parent.Parent.MechName.Text = ("Forest Camo Mech double guns") end
Please help!!! Thank you!!!