I'll explain further about things if needed.
pos = Vector3.new(0,1000,0) shop = Vector3.new(0,0,0) gui = script.Parent.ScreenGui:Clone() function onTouch(hit) if hit.Parent["VehicleSeat"]["SeatWeld"] then for i,v in pairs (hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "paint" then gui = script.Parent.ScreenGui:Clone() plr = (hit.Parent.VehicleSeat.SeatWeld.Part1.Parent) playa = game.Players:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) gui.Parent = playa.PlayerGui hit.Parent.VehicleSeat.Disabled = true hit.Anchored = true plr.Torso.Anchored = true plr:MoveTo(pos) local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera cam.FieldOfView = 100 cam.CameraSubject = hit.Parent end while wait() do thingy = gui.Color.ToolTip print (thingy) print (v) v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color3.new(thingy)) end end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch)
This code is terrible. Let's fix that, first.
Writing good code makes coding easier. It also means you write fewer bugs.
The first step is always tabbing properly. The next step is good variable names . You have both plr
and playa
-- neither is spelled correctly1, nor is plr
accurate. Use character
and player
Next, use local
variables. Otherwise things will act very unexpectedly2.
There's no reason to use hit.Parent["VechicleSeat"]
. That exactly the same thing as hit.Parent.VehicleSeat
pos = Vector3.new(0,1000,0) function onTouch(hit) if hit.Parent.VehicleSeat.SeatWeld then for _, part in pairs (hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if part.Name == "paint" then local gui = script.Parent.ScreenGui:Clone() local character = (hit.Parent.VehicleSeat.SeatWeld.Part1.Parent) local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(character.Name) gui.Parent = player.PlayerGui hit.Parent.VehicleSeat.Disabled = true hit.Anchored = true character.Torso.Anchored = true character:MoveTo(pos) local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera cam.FieldOfView = 100 cam.CameraSubject = hit.Parent end while wait() do local thingy = gui.Color.ToolTip print(thingy) print(part) part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color3.new(thingy)) end end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch)
You have improper error checking. If the object exists, then hit.Parent.VehicleSeat.SeatWeld
will pass the if
condition, so that if
is pointless. If it doesn't exist, it will error. We need to use :FindFirstChild
to see if objects exist. Since we would have to do it twice, it might be better to just use early return
s instead of if
s -- or better yet, let's use functions!
In addition, your loop tries to change part
's BrickColor
even when it isn't necessarily a BasePart. You need to check for that.
Moreover, there's no reason to do stuff inside the loop that don't care about part
. That means you should cut out the things about gui
and cam
-- in fact, you're just doing it if there is a child named "paint" does that sound like a use for :FindFirstChild
rather than a loop?
function doThing(hit, weld) if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("paint") then local gui = script.Parent.ScreenGui:Clone() local character = weld.Part1.Parent local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(character.Name) gui.Parent = player.PlayerGui hit.Parent.VehicleSeat.Disabled = true hit.Anchored = true character.Torso.Anchored = true character:MoveTo(pos) local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera cam.FieldOfView = 100 cam.CameraSubject = hit.Parent for _, part in pairs (hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") then while wait() do local thingy = gui.Color.ToolTip print(thingy) print(part) part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color3.new(thingy)) end end end end end function onTouch(hit) local vehicleSeat = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("VehicleSeat") if vehicleSeat then local weld = vehicleSeat:FindFirstChild("SeatWeld") if weld then doThing(hit, weld) end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch)
Note that you have a while
loop that will never stop in the inside of a for
loop. That means only the first thing in the for
loop will ever get considered.
If you want to just change the color of the part to the color of gui.Color.ToolTip
, you should use a Changed
event. Either that, or spawn
a new thread (but that's messier and slower)
pos = Vector3.new(0,1000,0) function doThing(hit, weld) if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("paint") then local gui = script.Parent.ScreenGui:Clone() local character = weld.Part1.Parent local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(character.Name) gui.Parent = player.PlayerGui hit.Parent.VehicleSeat.Disabled = true hit.Anchored = true character.Torso.Anchored = true character:MoveTo(pos) local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera cam.FieldOfView = 100 cam.CameraSubject = hit.Parent gui.Color.Changed:connect( property ) if property == "ToolTip" then local color = BrickColor.new( Color3.new( gui.Color.ToolTip ) ) for _, part in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") then part.BrickColor = color end end end end end end function onTouch(hit) local vehicleSeat = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("VehicleSeat") if vehicleSeat then local weld = vehicleSeat:FindFirstChild("SeatWeld") if weld then doThing(hit, weld) end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch)
These changes make it easier to read -- which makes it easier to write. It also reduces the bugs, because it's simpler. We've eliminated a loop, reduced levels of indentation by a lot, shortened the main function, etc.
It's almost always better to just use the full name for an object. If you save that much typing from using plr
instead of player
, you're very likely doing something wrong. It's hard to remember which incorrect spelling to use; it's easy to remember which correct spelling to use; it's also less cryptic and more readable. If you come to someone else for help with a variable named p
, how are they to know it's supposed to be a player? How will they catch your mistake if you accidentally made it not be a player? ↩
In particular, you made gui
be global. However, you have a loop which uses gui
that keeps on going. That means new touches will "hijack" the old ones, which is probably not what you wanted (I doubt you wanted this since, for instance, you don't delete the old gui
) ↩