I made a script that reassigns someone's Character property of their Player Instance to a different model and it works, But... After you walk around as that newly assigned Character for about 3 seconds your Player realized that it's not in the right Character and reloads me. Is there anyway to make it not do that? I know you can make the CharacterAutoLoads property false in Players but I only want to prevent auto loads just for me because I'm using the script in Script Builder. I'm not asking for a script, I'm asking for an idea of what I could do to prevent this issue.
Break down: I made a model, put a Head and a Torso part inside, welded the Torso to the Head, put a humanoid inside the model, set my Player's Character property to the Model (Makes your Character Model that model) Example: Player.Character = workspace.Model, then after 3 seconds it realized that it was the wrong character and attempted to fix it by reloading my character.
[Basically I'm trying to make a Psuedo Character]
Just turn off auto load and load characters for players who aren't player1.
noload = {"Player1"} --Add more people. game:GetService("Players").CharacterAutoLoads = false game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char) char.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() for _,plyr in pairs(noload) do if not player.Name == plyr then --If the player is NOT player1 wait(5) --5 seconds before respawn player:LoadCharacter() end end end end) --Add your morph script thing here. end) player:LoadCharacter() end)
If this isn't what you want tell me what you want. I couldn't understand your explanation.