I want the music to start instantly as the GUI appears can someone help me I can't figure it out.
local text = "Welcome To Prison Escape By iethand" local player = script.Parent.Parent local gui = script.Parent local sound = Instance.new("Sound",gui) sound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=207012155" sound.Pitch = 1 sound.Volume = 0.8 sound:play() local frame = gui.Frame local text1 = frame.TextLabel local pic = frame.ImageLabel wait(1) for i = 1,string.len(text),1 do text1.Text = string.sub(text,1,i) wait(0.2) end coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 0,25,0.01 do text1.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,i,0) pic.Transparency = pic.Transparency - 0.04 wait() end end)) for i = 1,50,1 do text1.TextTransparency = text1.TextTransparency + 0.07 pic.ImageTransparency = pic.ImageTransparency + 0.07 pic.Position = UDim2.new(0.38,0,i,0) wait(0.07) end for i = 1,50,1 do frame.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency + 0.02 pic.Transparency = pic.Transparency + 0.02 sound.Volume = sound.Volume - 0.02 wait(0.07) end sound:stop() gui:remove()
local sound = Instance.new("Sound",script.Parent) sound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=207012155" sound.Pitch = 1 sound.Volume = 0.8 sound:play() local text = "Welcome To Prison Escape By iethand" local player = script.Parent.Parent local gui = script.Parent local frame = gui.Frame local text1 = frame.TextLabel local pic = frame.ImageLabel wait(1) for i = 1,string.len(text),1 do text1.Text = string.sub(text,1,i) wait(0.2) end coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i = 0,25,0.01 do text1.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,i,0) pic.Transparency = pic.Transparency - 0.04 wait() end end)) for i = 1,50,1 do text1.TextTransparency = text1.TextTransparency + 0.07 pic.ImageTransparency = pic.ImageTransparency + 0.07 pic.Position = UDim2.new(0.38,0,i,0) wait(0.07) end for i = 1,50,1 do frame.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency + 0.02 pic.Transparency = pic.Transparency + 0.02 sound.Volume = sound.Volume - 0.02 wait(0.07) end sound:stop() gui:remove()