hs = game:GetService("HttpService") test = hs:GetAsync("http://www.roproxy.tk/Asset/AvatarAccoutrements.ashx?userId=57686851", true) print(test)
This one printed the body of the html
hs = game:GetService("HttpService")= test = hs:GetAsync("http://www.roproxy.tk/Asset/AvatarAccoutrements.ashx?userId=57686851", true) local Items = hs:JSONDecode(test)
when i tried to decode the JSON this error came out Can't parse JSON
now i want to use the data i obtained to turn it into a character changing appearance without dying is there a way to turn the data to a table?
There is a CharacterAppearance Property of Players might be more useful for this.
Now, to answer your question: Because it's in JSON, you first have to decode it into a Table, this can be done Via:
local URLs = {} hs = game:GetService("HttpService") test = hs:GetAsync("http://www.roproxy.tk/Asset/AvatarAccoutrements.ashx?userId=57686851", true) for String in string.gmatch(test, "(.-);") do URLs[#URLS + 1] = String; end