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Photo Changer Gui?

Asked by
22To 70
10 years ago

Im trrying to make this image label ever "wait(10)" i tried but it wont work


Just remove the repeat, the script is looking for "until" and a condition which is not provided. While true do will continually repeat the script. Plus, you need to set what property of which decal you're changing as alan explains below. M39a9am3R 3210 — 10y

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Answered by 10 years ago

Your problem is, you're just putting links in a string.

First you have to get the Image property by doing:

1script.Parent.Image -- If the script is INSIDE the imagelabel

(If the script is not inside the ImageLabel you can put it inside it.)

Then, you change the image by doing:

1script.Parent.Image = "LinkHere"

Your script should look like this:

1while true do
2    script.Parent.Image = ""
3    wait(10)
4    script.Parent.Image = ""
5    wait(10)
6    script.Parent.Image = ""
7    wait(10)

Oh and that repeat is useless, since that loops repeats itself by itself.

Hope it helped, and if it did please accept my answer?


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