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How do I make a intro GUI? [closed]

Asked by 11 years ago

Some people made "Intro GUIs" and It looks nice. I'm having trouble making a Intro GUI, and I'll like to now HOW to make it. I know how to make a Regular GUI. But Intro GUI, I have a problem with.

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5 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

Hi Roboy, The thing is there's not difference between a "normal Gui" and an "Intro GUI", Mainly an Intro GUI is just a normal GUI which appears at the start of the game with usually some buttons like "Play" "Info" or "Instructions".

If you wanna make a nice Intro GUI I would recommend reading this:, Just in case you don't have any experience with GUIs, once you have read it, you can move on to simple things like Tweening which will help a lot making your GUIs look awesome. ^^

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Answered by
Bubby4j 231 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

You simply make a regular GUI how you want it, and then make it only show up if the user has not been shown it before. You could keep track by putting a main script in workspace which tracks the PlayerAdded event, or you could put a BoolValue in the player that keeps track if they've viewed it or not.

--Script goes in the root of the intro GUI in startergui, as a LocalScript
local tag = game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("ViewedIntro")
if tag == nil then
    script.Parent.Visible = true
    script.Parent.Visible = false
    tag ="BoolValue")
    tag.Name = "ViewedIntro"
    tag.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer
    tag.Value = true

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Answered by 11 years ago

To make it only appear when they join, make it so that..

c:Clone().Parent = plr.PlayerGui
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Answered by 11 years ago

Another way to have an "Intro GUI" is to create the GUI and when they finish whatever you mean for them to finish, destroy the GUI object that contains the intro. You'd also want a bool value in some part of the player that you can access to see whether or not the player already went through the intro so that they don't see it every time they respawn.

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Answered by 11 years ago

I am not advertising that you should be lazy about this in any way, I believe you should do it yourself, but if you're really stuck takecover released a good plugin;