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More about HttpRbxApiService?

Asked by 9 years ago

Hey there, I'm looking to have a way to change someone's rank in-game, and when looking through the playerlist script, I found this on lines 971-979:

local function onFollowButtonPressed()
    if not LastSelectedPlayer then return end
    local followedUserId = tostring(LastSelectedPlayer.userId)
    local apiPath = "user/follow"
    local params = "followedUserId="..followedUserId
    local success, result = pcall(function()
        return HttpRbxApiService:PostAsync(apiPath, params, true, Enum.ThrottlingPriority.Default, Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationUrlEncoded)

This function allows a user to follow another user. I'm looking for a way to this with changing groups in-game, though. If this doesn't work, I might as well try my other method using the other httpservice.

I thought HttpRbxApiService is locked for them CoreScripts. VisualPlugin 20 — 8y
Yeah you have to connect it through a bot with http service icymanred1 6 — 4y

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