Okay, so firstly my code is to give a player in-game currency when the block is touched. But for some reason, the script won't run at all. I tried removing somethings that I thought was causing it, but still no success.
Configurations = script.Parent.Configurations ServerMoney = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild('ServerMoney') if ServerMoney then print('Intiate.') end db = false script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(BodyPart) db = true local Avatar = BodyPart.Parent local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Avatar) if Avatar and Player and db == true then if Avatar.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local Tag = ServerMoney:WaitForChild('TAG;'..Player.Name) if Tag then local Coins = Tag:WaitForChild('RealCoins') if Coins then Coins.Value = Coins.Value + math.random(Configurations.Min.Value, Configurations.Max.Value) script.Parent:Destroy() end end end end db = false end)