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[String.sub] Why would this NOT be subing???

Asked by 9 years ago

Im getting no output for Lua.. and the function also wont run. This is V2 so... I know the way I have the admin set up it SHOULD run it, but yet fails.

BTW, I learned string.sub yestraday.. Please do not judge if this is bad coding. :L

AddCommand(0,"Print","Print","P",":Print I like tacos --> [M.A.C.] I like tacos",function(Speaker,Msg)
    _G.Print(Speaker..' : '..Msg)
end) -- ^^^^ This will insert into _G.Commands.

        local Cmd=v.Cmd:lower()
        local Cmd2=v.Cmd2:lower()
        local SubCount=1
        if msg:sub(1,3):find('/e ') then 
        if msg:sub(SubCount,#( (Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd) or Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd)..Settings.MiddlePrefix) 
        or (Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd2) or Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd2)..Settings.MiddlePrefix) )) 
        ((Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd) or Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd)..Settings.MiddlePrefix) 
        or (Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd2) or Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd2)..Settings.MiddlePrefix) ) then
            if (_G.GetRank(plr) <= v.Rank) then
                msg=msg:sub(#((Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd) or Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd)..Settings.MiddlePrefix) 
                or (Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd2) or Settings.FrontPrefix..(Cmd2)..Settings.MiddlePrefix))+1)
                local r,e=ypcall(function()
                if not r then _G.Error(e) end
                --You cant acess this command!
            --Sorry command was not found!

Sorry if you gonna help you kinda HAVE to read all the string.sub... :L MessorAdmin 598 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
9 years ago

You should definitely make this much simpler. Advanced is not the same thing as complicated. This script is complicated, not advanced.

Here's a list of things to make it better:

  • foreach is deprecated. It's also a lot more confusing than just using pairs.
  • CheckChat = function should be function CheckChat
  • i is unused, name it _
  • SubCount is a poor name. Maybe call it start or something meaningful
  • if msg:sub(1, 2):find("/e") is the same thing as if msg:sub(1, 2) == "/e"
  • You say Settings. 24 times. Make variables!
  • Every single time Cmd and Cmd2 are used, you first add front to them. Just change the variable instead.

Here's some style things you should do:

  • Pick one type of quote, don't use both ' and ". " is usually the preference (because of precedent from other languages)
  • Put spaces around your operators and other symbols, especially .. and =. It makes it read so much easier, and you can even add extra spaces in places to indicate what things should be grouped
  • Don't use the print "msg" style of calls, it's very inconsistent with the rest of Lua
  • No point in wrapping things in parens, e.g, Cmd2. You don't need to when you have spaces (see above)
  • Break long statements up. There's no point in having a line that does a ton of things if you can't understand it.
  • or is associative, and (usually) commutative, so it doesn't make sense to put parentheses around these things.

Here is what I got:

function CheckChat(plr,msg)
    for _, v in pairs(_G.Commands) do
        local Cmd = v.Cmd:lower()
        local Cmd2 = v.Cmd2:lower()
        local start = 1
        if msg:sub(1, 2) == "/e" then 
            start = 3
            start = 1 

        local mid, front = Settings.MiddlePrefix, Settings.FrontPrefix;
        Cmd = front .. Cmd
        Cmd2 = front .. Cmd2

        -- This doesn't make sense:
        local partOfMsg = msg:sub(start, #( (Cmd .. mid or Cmd ) or (Cmd2 .. mid or Cmd2) ))
        -- Neither does this:
        local commandCheck = (Cmd .. mid or Cmd) or (Cmd2 .. mid or Cmd2)

        if partOfMsg == commandCheck then
            print('got bypass msg:sub')
            if _G.GetRank(plr) <= v.Rank then
                print('got by getrank')

                -- This doesn't make sense:
                local before = (Cmd .. mid or Cmd) 
                    or (Cmd2 .. mid or Cmd2) 
                    or ((Cmd .. mid or Cmd) 
                    or (Cmd2 .. mid or Cmd2))

                msg = msg:sub(#before + 1)
                local r, e = ypcall(function()
                    v.Func(plr, msg)
                if not r then _G.Error(e) end
                --You cant acess this command!
            --Sorry command was not found!

Now that we've done all this, there's a ton of stuff that makes no sense.

-- This:
#( (Cmd .. mid or Cmd )  or (Cmd2 .. mid or Cmd2) )
-- Is equivalent to this:
# ( Cmd .. mid )

so I have no idea what you were going after with the remainder of the script and all of the ors.

You cannot say if a == b or c. The precedence will make this if (a == b) or c, which is effectively just if true. Expressions cannot have "two values" at the same time. That's not what or does.


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