This is the 3rd part of this problem. I look in the output and It says that the asset is not in proper asset format. Here is my script. BTW this isn't a duplicate.
frames = {230020795,230021055,230022130,230023083,230023938,230024173,230024269,230024743,230025991,230026076,230028638,230028781,230028829,230028881,230028915,230054690,230054720,230054806,230054865,230054930,230055354,230055573,230055616,230055672,230055788}--25 local i = 1 game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function() i = i+1 if i > #frames then i = 1 end game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload(""..frames[i]-1) script.Parent.Image = ""..(frames[i]-1) end)
BTW I did make these decals by myself. I don't copy other people's stuff.