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I can't even start it off, can you help me?

Asked by 9 years ago

I can't start it off, and it seems as if the Admins Hate my questions, Lots of them are closed and I dont even know why. But this one could be closed because I didn't shot a script that I tried, Well, I dont want to write BS and look like an idiot. But to the point... I was just wondering if any of you could possibly help me make a running script? I mean, I already made the animations using the Animation Editor, but I want it to be, when you hold LEFTSHIFT your walkspeed increases and of course, the running animation kicks in.. can you make that happen? (I hope this doesn't get closed before I get help)

local animTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)

With Animation as child with ID and all

How much you wanna bet 5000+ people are gonna -1000 this question because every question I've asked I got a thumb down for no good reason... 789zaya 0 — 9y
No good reason? Your questions are practically requests that are too broad. I'll give you some links though. aquathorn321 858 — 9y
No, not true. You haven't even seen my requests.. In my last question I asked " what broke this script?" And I showed Original script and my edits.. IT GOT CLOSED I mean, what did I DO?! 789zaya 0 — 9y
Some moderators are too arrogant or lazy to help novices, and they'll shut down questions they find don't use the correct terminology. You can message me your code or edit your question here and I'll see if I can help you out. aquathorn321 858 — 9y
Nah, I guess but 3 Admins closed it. But I literally have no clue how to start, how to finish, I read the Basic scripting Wiki like 5 times *Not back to back* It helped a little but I'm trying to do Advanced scripting Which I can't do. Yet. 789zaya 0 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

This isn't a request site, so I won't help you with the code until you give it an attempt or post some of your code, but I can try and point you in the right direction.

Helpful links: Roblox Wiki, Lua Help, Tutorials, Your First Script, Basic Scripting, and the In-Depth Scripting Guide.

Ok.. I'll TRY and script.. ITS HARD but I'll TRY.. 789zaya 0 — 9y

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