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Scripth's Admin House?

Asked by 9 years ago

In Scripth's Admin; this is what it says:

local admins = { {game.Workspace.Admin.Admin1.Owner.Value,0}; } return admins

When touched the button, the name of the model changes, this works for Kohl's admin, but does anyone know why it wont work for Scripth's?

What is the code for the Button you're touching, and what are you trying to do, exactly? adark 5487 — 9y
Probably because it wasn't built to work with Kohl's admin, it probably has a different method of getting admins and it uses different variables. You'll have to post more of the script for me to be able to help. aquathorn321 858 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

This most likely is because the variables used in Kohl's do not work in that one.


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