The code creates the place successfully, but the description doesn't show for the place
local asset = game:GetService("AssetService") local function match(plr1,plr2) local matchnum = 1337 --(a number from a datastore would be put here) local placeid = asset:CreatePlaceAsync("Siegecast Matchup Game #"..tostring(matchnum),211481450,plr1.." vs "..plr2) end
I'm not positive if you're passing in plr1 and plr2 as strings or the actual Player objects. Try this:
local asset = game:GetService("AssetService") local function match(plr1,plr2) local n1 = (type(plr1) == "string" and plr1 or plr1.Name); local n2 = (type(plr2) == "string" and plr2 or plr2.Name); local desc = n1.." vs "..n2 local pName = "Siegecast Matchup Game #"..tostring(matchnum); local matchnum = 1337 local placeid = asset:CreatePlaceAsync(pName,211481450,desc) end