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Translating parts in reference to the rotation and position of another one? [UNSOLVED]

Asked by 10 years ago

Lets say I have three parts: The base, independent, and dependent. Imagine the base has it's own grid. It's impervious to rotation and translation on it's grid; it's position is always at the origin: (0,0,0). Realistically, in worldspace, it can be manipulated as any other part. The dependent lies on this grid. The independent lies in worldspace, unaffected by the base's grid. The dependent relies on both the base and the independent for it's position in the worldspace. It's position on the base's grid mirrors that of the independent's position on the base's grid, so if the grids were aligned they'd be in the exact same position. My question is what equation could I use to get the position of the dependent? I want this equation to work universally, so that the base and the independent can be manipulated in any shape or form and the results will always be accurate. I've tried several times to accomplish this and came close, though I lost my data.

You can find a visual for my question here.

Translating parts in relevance? You sure u know what relevance means? "important to the matter at hand." ZeptixBlade 215 — 10y
Are you trying to reflect a part perpendicularly via ObjectSpace reference to another part? DigitalVeer 1473 — 10y
Not necessarily, but you're on the right track. I want the dependent's position translated depending on the rotation and distance from the independent, so imagine that the independent marks the center of the grid, and the dependent is plotted anywhere on that grid. When the independent rotates, it rotates that grid. I want to find the position the dependent would have in the independent grid in re aquathorn321 858 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago

Try using some CFrame methods supplied by Roblox rather than doing all the math.

In the following code, I used vectorToWorldSpace

To try and test out a situation, I made the Independent part called Independent and the Dependent Part called Part.

I start the Dependent Part about 5 studs over the Independent Part. Both are anchored.

Here is my code:

local part = workspace.Independent;
local part2 = workspace.Part;

while true do
local fromUp = part.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(,1,0)) --Top Face
part2.CFrame = +  (fromUp * 5)) -- Move

While the loop is running, I dragged around the Independent Part and rotated it to test it.

Not only does the code maintain the dependents orientation, but moves it accordingly.

If you need an explanation:

Vectors keep ONLY the parts position

CFrame keeps the parts position AND CFrame

Also, as per your comment; You can do this if you wanna do it without a number constant:

local part = workspace.Independent
local part2 = workspace.Part

function distance(part1,part2)
    local x1 = part1.Position.X; local x2 = part2.Position.X;
    local y1 = part1.Position.Y; local y2 = part2.Position.Y;
    local z1 = part1.Position.Z; local z2 = part2.Position.Z;
    return math.sqrt((math.pow((z2-z1),2) + math.pow((x2-x1),2) + math.pow((y2-y1),2)))

local Dis = distance(part,part2)
while true do
local fromUp = part.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(,1,0)) --Top Face
part2.CFrame = +  (fromUp * Dis)) -- Move

The following code will take the two parts, calculate the distance between them, and keep that distance throughout.

You haven't specified: what's fromUp, and why is it multiplied by five? I want this equation to work universally at any position in-game, so I can't use constants. Also, how is defining the top side relevant if you don't use it in the equation? aquathorn321 858 — 10y
fromUp gives the 'Top Face' of the part. I accidentally used two variables, but I edited and fixed that. Using '* 5' only puts it at 5 studs away; I just used that an example. If you want it without a constant, I'll edit it even more. DigitalVeer 1473 — 10y
Edited. Response? DigitalVeer 1473 — 10y
I guess this is, in a sense, what I asked for. Let me edit my question to make it more accurate. The problem with this is the part doesn't mainatin it's initial position, although it is always constantly reflected. aquathorn321 858 — 10y
I have no clue what else you want, lol. I just replicated what your visual demonstrated. DigitalVeer 1473 — 10y
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Answered by
adark 5487 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

I've had to do just this for my Dungeon Dice Monsters game to handle the fields being rotated to fit in with the surrounding terrain.

There are two key methods to making this work: CFrame.toWorldSpace and CFrame.toObjectSpace

First, the independent part doesn't matter here. You'll manage it's position directly, in reference to the Origin, so let's look at the dependent part.

EDIT: Misread your wall-o-text.

local base = workspace.Base
local dep = workspace.Dependent
local ind = workspace.Independent

dep.CFrame = base.CFrame:toWorldSpace(ind.CFrame)
--Assuming `ind`'s "grid position" is with respect to (0, 0, 0) with no rotation, otherwise:

local indBase = workspace.IndependentBase
dep.CFrame = base.CFrame:toWorldSpace(indBase.CFrame:toObjectSpace(ind.CFrame))

End edit.

local base = workspace.Base
local dep = workspace.Dependent

-- We want `dep` to be 1 Stud directly above `Base`, along the `Top` surface's axis:

local newCF =, 1, 0)
dep.CFrame = base.CFrame:toWorldSpace(newCF)

If you already have dep at a location, and simply want to translate it, no problem!

local base = workspace.Base
local dep = workspace.Dependent

-- We want to translate `dep` by (2, 15, -7), with respect to the orientation of `base`

local newCF = base.CFrame:toObjectSpace(dep.CFrame) --The argument CFrame here is important!
newCF = newCF +, 15, -7)
dep.CFrame = base.CFrame:toWorldSpace(newCF)

Since these are all CFrames and not Vector3s, Rotation is supported as well:

local base = workspace.Base
local dep = workspace.Dependent

-- Rotate `dep` to point in the direction of `base`'s Top surface normal, with `dep`'s Bottom surface normal pointing in the direction of `base`'s Front surface normal.

local newCF = --first, cancel the current rotation.
newCF = newCF*CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2, 0, 0)
dep.CFrame = base.CFrame:toWorldSpace(newCF)

I assume the last example can be rewritten using vectorToWorldSpace and the like, but these methods are tricky to figure out the usage of.

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