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How come my 'Damage' commnand is not damaging a Player properly?

Asked by 9 years ago

I have checked, and rechecked, the chunk of code multiple times, but, it is not damaging a Player's Humanoid, and I can not figure out why, because, there is no errors coming up in the Output, and, the printing shows that the first print is incorrect, but, the other is printing the correct number. The problem with the code is that, it is not damaging the Player's Humanoid with the selected Damage number, instead, it is dealing 12% of Damage to a Player's Humanoid, no matter what Number you choose for some reason. Here is the chunk on code I am currently using;

if msg:lower():sub(1,6+#Prefix+#Seperator) == Prefix.."damage"..Seperator then --The 'if' statement right here is checking to see if the Characters been 1-6, plus the number of Characters in Prefix and Seperator, if it is equal to the commands,  e.x; ':'damage' 'TheAlpha
    local chk = msg:lower():sub(7+#Prefix+#Seperator):find(" ") --This gets the position of where the space ' ' is
    local plrz = GetPlr(plr,msg:sub(7+#Prefix+#Seperator)) --The 'GetPlr' function will get the Player's with the matching String in their names
    local num = 10; --If the 'chk' did not find a ' ', then it will return this number

    if chk then --This will check to see if ' ' is in the string, however, and if it is, it'll run the next chunk
        chk = chk +6+#Prefix+#Seperator --Increases the number size of the 'sub' from the position, e.x; :damage TheAlpha '15' --Will get the position here
        plrz = GetPlr(plr,msg:sub(7+#Prefix+#Seperator,chk-1)) --Rewrites the Variable 'plrz' to support the 'chk'
        num = chk+1 --Variable 'num' is now specifying 'chk', plus 1 for the sub
    end print(num,msg:sub(chk+1)) --Output: 12, 50 or 15 or 5

    for i,v in pairs(plrz) do --Once 'plrz' is done getting the Player's with the matching String in their names, because the 'GetPlr' function returns a table afterwards, will call the generic 'for' loop, which will loop through that table
        coroutine.wrap(function() --The 'coroutine' here is to prevent pausing from the second generic 'for' loop, because, whenever I use 'spawn', it doesn't work like I wan't it to
            if v and v.Character then --This will check to see if the Player is still existant, and will check to see if the Player's Character exists
                for i2,v2 in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do --This is the second generic 'for' loop, this one will loop through the Children of the currently Player's Character
                    if v2:IsA("Humanoid") then --This will check to see if the current Child is a 'Humanoid', and if so, it will run the next chunk
                        v2.Health = v2.Health - chk+1 --Yes, I have tried 'TakeDamage' as well ;-;
oh lord, the cringe >.< TheeDeathCaster 2368 — 8y

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